
Outward Processing

Customs Procedures | A quick guide to Outward Processing to claim full or partial duty relief when the goods are re-imported to the UK

Introduction Outward Processing allows traders from the United Kingdom to temporarily export goods from the UK for processing or repair in an EU country or any other country in the rest of the world. The process enables the traders to claim full OR partial duty relief when the goods are re-imported to the United Kingdom. [...]

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travelling to Europe

Are you planning a trip to Europe? Determine what preparations you must undertake.

Introduction We've entered the summer vacation season, and in light of recent changes to travel guidelines, we'd like to remind you of the new rules that took effect on the 1st of Jan this year. Whether you're travelling between the UK and the EU for business or pleasure, you'll need to be aware of new [...]

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Customs Procedures Inward Processing

Customs Procedures | A quick guide to Inward Processing to delay or pay less duty on goods you import to process or repair

Introduction Inward processing enables imports of raw materials or semi-manufactured items to be processed for re-export within the UK, without the companies requiring to pay customs tax or VAT on the imported goods. There are two distinct ways; one permits suspension of the duty, while the other requires less or delayed payment. Authorisation Requirement by [...]

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Customs Valuation Methods

A Quick Guide to Customs Valuation Methods to Determine the Value of Goods while Filing Customs Declarations

Introduction Customs valuation is the process of determining the value of goods or commodities for Government taxation purposes.  The customs value serves as the foundation for the following activities: computing the customs duty, imposed as a percentage of the total worth of the products and is known as 'ad valorem' duty calculating the VAT on [...]

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Transitioning to HMRC’s New Customs Platform: Customs Declaration Service (CDS) | A Quick Guide for Traders

The Customs Declaration Service (CDS) is the government’s new customs platform. It is brought in to replace CHIEF as the main UK import and export system, but (unlike CHIEF) it has been designed to be able to keep pace with ever-evolving requirements, changes in regulations, and technology enhancements. CDS enables UK companies to submit import [...]

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